European Funds

This area enhances and strengthens the connection between artists and European funds. Its objectives include raising awareness, providing information, and building closer relationships with artists in this domain. Establishing a dedicated section for European Funds results from the GDA Foundation’s reflection, aspiring to introduce novel mechanisms to expand funding opportunities and make artistic projects viable.

The fragmentation of information across multiple platforms, many of which remain undiscovered by artists, the frequent use of complex language, and the presence of technical and bureaucratic-administrative uncertainties can hinder artists from fully benefiting from existing funding opportunities. These challenges motivated the GDA Foundation to act as a catalyst, mediator, and facilitator in providing improved information about these programs. The GDA Foundation has devised a methodology grounded in four key pillars to fulfil this role:



  • Activities to maintain a flow of information on funding agendas and serve as an alert system on programme opening notices and other relevant information specific to artists.


  • Development and updating of facilitating tools for access to programmes, searching for partners and developing existing projects.


  • We designed a system of dedicated information, counselling, and follow-up consultations through online responses and face-to-face consultations vital for better using the opportunities created by the available funds.


  • Approach/knowledge actions with funding bodies and government agencies to highlight the contribution of the GDA Foundation (as a mobilising agent) and the Artists (as “Actors”) in the pursuit of the objectives defined in the programmes.


This initiative was launched in response to the need to bring the Portuguese artistic community closer to European funding sources.

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As one of the primary objectives of our activities related to European Funds is to simplify and mediate access to these financial resources, we provide free information sessions and personalized assistance to artists and production organizations through tailored consultations with Francisco Cipriano, an expert in Community Funds who collaborates with the GDA Foundation to advance this area.


The world of European funding can be relatively unfamiliar to many artists in Portugal, characterized by its complex language and procedures. Terms like Portugal 2020, Creative Europe, Erasmus +, Horizon 2020, or Operational Programmes might be part of our daily vocabulary. Still, whether we can benefit from these programs and how to proceed often remains to be determined.

To address this challenge, the GDA Foundation has been actively supporting artists and other professionals in the cultural sector interested in exploring and developing projects with European partnerships and funding. Building on previous initiatives in this field, the #makethemost project, launched in 2018, has played a significant role in achieving these objectives.

The #makethemost project aims to provide motivation, knowledge, and the ability to identify funding opportunities for artistic and cultural projects. It fosters dialogue and the exchange of experiences in informal evening sessions, creating spaces for artists to come together. By facilitating access to information on project management and European funding, the GDA Foundation strives to promote internationalization and the development of projects that showcase the immense talent of Portuguese artists.

Leading these sessions is Francisco Cipriano, a specialist in European Funds, whose professional background is closely tied to supporting public policy instruments, particularly in regional development and cohesion policy.


Support for Theatre and Dance

Support program for creating theatre, dance and cross-disciplinary shows, promoting opportunities for the development of professional activity for actors and dancers.