Agreements / Fisioterapia
FISIOVIDA is a clinic specialising in advanced physiotherapy, osteopathy and global postural re-education.
Avenida Fernão de Magalhães 460, 3.º
4300-189 Porto
225 108 870
961 526 818
Benefits for GDA cooperators:
- Discount of €5 on the first physiotherapy assessment session, reducing the list price of €50. The GDA Foundation covers €25 towards this initial session, with cooperators paying the remaining €20 directly to Fisiovida.
- Subsequent physiotherapy treatment sessions also receive a €5 discount from the listed price of €40. The GDA Foundation contributes €10 towards each of these sessions, with cooperators paying the remaining €25 directly to Fisiovida. This discount is available for up to 10 sessions per year.
Cooperating artists wishing to use this protocol should contact the clinic directly.