Agreements / Fisioterapia


FISIOVIDA is a clinic specialising in advanced physiotherapy, osteopathy and global postural re-education.

Avenida Fernão de Magalhães 460, 3.º
4300-189 Porto

225 108 870
961 526 818


Benefits for GDA cooperators:

  • Discount of €5 on the first physiotherapy assessment session, reducing the list price of €50. The GDA Foundation covers €25 towards this initial session, with cooperators paying the remaining €20 directly to Fisiovida.
  • Subsequent physiotherapy treatment sessions also receive a €5 discount from the listed price of €40. The GDA Foundation contributes €10 towards each of these sessions, with cooperators paying the remaining €25 directly to Fisiovida. This discount is available for up to 10 sessions per year.


Cooperating artists wishing to use this protocol should contact the clinic directly.

Support to International Training

This program supports performing artists’ participation in international training and capacity-building activities. Its purpose is to enable the acquisition and refinement of knowledge and the advancement of technical and artistic skills within their specific professional domains